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Certified Manual Therapy

Ross Medical Group

Family Medicine, Sports Medicine & Physical Therapy in Miami, FL

At Ross Medical Group in Miami, Monica Ross, DPT, CMPT, uses a number of highly specialized techniques to help her patients achieve their functional goals, including manual therapy. Dr. Ross underwent years of additional training so she could provide her patients with the best and most effective care possible, and is a certified manual therapist. To learn more about certified manual therapy, call the office today or book an appointment online.

Certified Manual Therapy Q & A

What is certified manual therapy?

Certified manual therapy is a very specialized form of physical therapy that takes a hands-on approach to treatment and management of your health issue. The purpose of manual therapy is to gently mobilize your joints, muscles, connective tissue, and nerves to improve both movement and healing.

Through manual therapy you may experience:

  • Increased range of motion
  • Reduced pain
  • Less swelling
  • Improved muscle relaxation

Dr. Ross completed an intensive training program, in addition to her general physical therapy training, to become a certified manual therapist so she could offer you these services and help you achieve your functional goals.

Am I a good candidate for certified manual therapy?

Dr. Ross determines if you’re a good candidate for certified manual therapy during your consultation. She may suggest the hands-on approach to help ease you into your exercise program.

Conditions that benefit from certified manual therapy include:

  • Back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Muscle spasms
  • Arthritis
  • Tendinopathy

Dr. Ross has extensive experience treating a number of health conditions and may recommend certified manual therapy along with other treatments to improve your function and mobility and reduce your pain.

What can I expect during certified manual therapy?

With its hands-on approach, your certified manual therapy treatment may include:

Soft tissue massage

During your soft tissue massage, Dr. Ross gently applies pressure to your tense and tender muscles. The pressure helps relax the muscles, improve circulation, and breaks up any knots or scar tissue that may cause pain or limit your mobility.


Using measured movements of varying speeds, Dr. Ross uses mobilization techniques to help improve movement in stiff joints and muscles. She may pull, twist, or push your bones or joints to help reduce tightness and improve alignment.

In addition to improving the function of the affected body part, you may also notice an improvement in your overall health and function after certified manual therapy, as well as an increased tolerance to your exercise program.

Certified manual therapy is a very specialized form of physical therapy that offers many health benefits. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Ross to see if it can help you, call Ross Medical Group today or book an appointment online.