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Shoulder Pain

Ross Medical Group

Family Medicine, Sports Medicine & Physical Therapy in Miami, FL

Your shoulder is one of the most versatile joints in your body. But because of its ability to move in many different directions, it’s also at risk of injury and pain. David A. Ross, MD, at Ross Medical Group in Miami is a sports medicine specialist and can determine the underlying cause of your shoulder pain and provide treatment to help you get relief. For management of your shoulder pain, call the office today or request an appointment online.

Shoulder Pain Q & A

What is shoulder pain?

Shoulder pain refers to any discomfort you feel in or around your shoulder. The pain may be a dull, nagging ache or a sharp intermittent pain.

Your shoulder consists of several joints that are held together by your tendons and muscles. The anatomy of your shoulder gives you the ability to lift your arms over your head, throw a baseball, and scratch that itch on your back. However, all these motions also make your shoulder vulnerable to injury or pain.

What causes shoulder pain?

Your shoulder pain may develop from any number of causes. Some of the most common causes include:

Rotator cuff tears

The tendons that hold your shoulder joint together are vulnerable to tears either from an acute injury or due to degenerative changes that occur with age.


If your tendon becomes inflamed, it’s referred to as tendinitis. You may develop tendinitis from overuse or degeneration of the tissue.

Frozen shoulder

Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, is a progressive condition that leads to stiffness and pain in the shoulder. You may develop a frozen shoulder after an injury.


Impingement refers to the rubbing of your shoulder blade on the soft tissue of your shoulder.


Glenohumeral arthritis may develop from the general wear and tear that leads to the degradation of the cartilage that cushions your bones.

Acromioclavicular injuries, subacromial bursitis, bicep tendinitis, and scapular dyskinesis are also potential causes of shoulder pain.

Dr. Ross is a sports medicine physician and can determine the underlying cause of your shoulder pain after a comprehensive examination that may include diagnostic testing such as an X-ray.

What treatment can relieve my shoulder pain?

Treatment for your shoulder pain depends on the underlying cause. The team at Ross Medical Group takes an individualized approach to care and creates a treatment plan that fits your needs to reduce your shoulder pain and improve function and quality of life.

Your treatment may include:

  • Anti-inflammatories
  • Joint injections
  • Bracing and splinting
  • Physical therapy
  • Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy

The team also spends a lot of time talking to you about your shoulder and the source of your pain, so you understand the role each treatment plays in your recovery.

Shoulder pain is common, but not something you have to live with. For a diagnosis and treatment plan for your shoulder pain, call Ross Medical Group today or schedule an appointment online.